Exercise Contributes to a Longer and Healthier Life

June 22, 2023


Exercise is the secret to living a healthier and longer life. That’s what wellness advocate Greg Lindberg believes.

Lindberg, who is an entrepreneur, philanthropist and author turned wellness advocate, has spent the last few years understanding longevity and how exercise can impact people’s ability to live healthier longer. Through learning and personal experience, Lindberg has seen firsthand the impact of exercise on the body and mind.

“I committed to regular exercise after living an unhealthy lifestyle for many years,” said Lindberg. “The impact has been tremendous on my mind, body and overall health. I’m healthier, happier, I have endless energy and at 52 years old I’m in the best shape I have ever been.”

Lindberg believes that physical activity can contribute to a longer and healthier life when it’s consistent, dynamic and in combination with other daily wellness activities. Regular exercise along with intermittent fasting, better nutrition and cold exposure can help reverse aging process and keep people younger longer.

“Movement is the best medicine for your body and mind,” Lindberg says. “The more we move the better. Daily activities like sports, cardio, running, weightlifting or strength training can improve heart health, cognitive function, mood, sleep, muscle strength and flexibility and reduce chronic disease. I know it has worked for me.”

Scientific data supports Lindberg’s viewpoint as well. A recent study from Harvard University shows that people who exercised between two to four times per week were able to lower risk of early death by 31 percent.

Lindberg says consistency and intensity is important. To continually see improvement and results, gradually increase workout intensity and duration to challenge the body and avoid plateauing. It’s important to not push too hard too fast.

“I initially started exercising 20 to 30 minutes per day, but slowly increased intensity to 90 minutes per day,” said Lindberg. “This is when I saw my body gain strength, build muscle and feel much healthier physically, mentally and spiritually.”

Lindberg recommends consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise routine, especially for people who have any underlying medical conditions.

Lindberg shared his health and wellness transformation in his latest book 633 Days Inside: Lessons on Life and Leadership. Learn more here: https://633days.com/book/


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