Greg Lindberg Shares in His Latest Book How Fasting Lengthened His Telomeres

December 1, 2023

Orlando, Florida (December 1, 2023) – Fasting can lengthen telomeres and increase biological age, according to Greg Lindberg’s findings in latest book LIFELONG. After fasting for more than three years, Lindberg writes that his telomeres drastically lengthened after incorporating an aggressive fasting program into his lifestyle.

“Only eating on weekends is the secret to reversing aging,” said Lindberg. “I currently fast about 90 hours per week and eat during weekends,” says Lindberg, who is 53 years old. “As a result, my whole life has transformed. I feel younger, stronger, healthier and happier.”

Telomere length testing, which is conducted using blood sample, helps measure the DNA-protein which serves as a biological clock that determines one’s lifespan. Scientific studies show that telomeres length progressively shorten with age, which eventually lead to aging, age-related diseases and early death.

Lindberg’s telomere results, measured by SpectraCell Laboratories in Houston, Texas, have increased by almost 50 percent since 2018, going from 7.01 Kleihauer-betke (KB) to 8.57 Kleihauer-betke (KB). His telomere length increased from the numbers of an average 60-year-old to a healthy 30-year-old.

“Before I started fasting, I experienced many health issues,” said Lindberg. “Today, I’m off any medications, my cholesterol levels are down, my gray hair have turned red again and wrinkles have significantly reduced. This is all thanks to my fasting regimen.”

While telomere results may not be common in mainstream medicine, Lindberg said some scientific studies show a link between telomere length and lifespan. A recent research study from Dr. Masood Shammas, a lead scientist from Harvard (Dana-Farber) Cancer Institute in Boston Massachusetts, shows that the rate of telomere shortening may indicate the pace of aging. Lifestyle factors such as smoking, obesity, bad nutrition and lack of physical activity can affect the telomere length. The study adds that dietary restrictions, appropriate diet and regular exercise can help decrease the rate of telomere shortening, reducing the risk of disease and pace of aging.

“It’s evident that telomeres can get longer with regular fasting and indefinitely replenish the length of your telomeres,” said Lindberg. “Some scientific data, including the concept of Hayflick Limit, believe that cells have a natural lifespan because the telomere endcaps of the cell’s DNA can only replicate so many times. But that’s not correct. My results are a clear indication that lifestyle changes like fasting can increase telomeres length, reducing the chances of disease and increase longevity.”

Lindberg does a water-only fast four days per week, and only eats on weekends. During his fast, he exercises one to two hours per day. Lindberg said exercising while fasting can be particularly hard, but it’s extremely important as it helps burn up the glucose in the system and convert the body to a triglyceride metabolism.

Lindberg’s results demonstrate that a regular fasting routine combined with regular exercise, cold or heat exposure, good nutrition, and mental challenge can help lengthen telomeres, significantly reducing the risk of disease, slowing the pace of aging and potentially decreasing early death.

“Only Eat on Weekends. This is my simple, four-word prescription that can help people live healthier and stay younger,” says Lindberg. “This may not be conventional, but it works and it’s free. A simple routine change can help prevent diabetes, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and other diseases that come with old age.”

Lindberg’s life-changing results from fasting has driven him to detail the program in his latest book. Through LIFELONG, Lindberg hopes to help people navigate their life challenges and help enhance their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.

For more information on Lindberg’s book, please visit

About Greg Lindberg
Greg Lindberg is a successful entrepreneur, philanthropist and author. Through his successful career, Lindberg has reimagined and transformed hundreds of businesses, employed thousands of people, empowered leaders and impacted communities through philanthropic efforts. His experiences as a leader and challenges have inspired him to empower people to achieve optimal success through wellness, longevity and leadership. Lindberg also has authored two books: Failing Early & Failing Often: How to Turn Your Adversity into Advantage and 633 Days Inside: Lessons on Life and Leadership. For more information, visit

About Lifelong Labs

Lifelong Labs is a wellness, longevity and leadership brand which provide science-based information and programs on fasting, cold exposure, exercise, nutrition, hormesis, sleep, mental wellness, leadership, career, and more. The company, launched in 2023, works with trusted health and wellness experts to provide guidance that is science-based, safe, effective and attainable. The brand connects with audiences through its website, newsletters, subscription-based programs and social media platforms. To learn more, visit


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